Jagapathi Babu’s ‘Adhinetha’ completed filming

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 10 2009]

Jagapathi Babu playing an aspiring young political leader in the lead, Shraddha Das, Hamsa Nandini and Neelima as heroines ‘Adhinetha’ completed shooting in the direction of V.Samudra well know for his mass movies. On Sri Satyasai Arts KK Radhamohan is producing it presented by an NRI Sadasivuni Ravi.

Briefing about the progress producer Radhamohan informed that two songs in ‘Adhinetha’ were shot in exotic locations of Thailand at Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket islands, which are rarely filmed. The songs will be a special attraction in the film. The movie will be in theatres from third week of April as against April 10th announced earlier.

Made as a political mass entertainer entwined with family drama, this lavishly shaped film will stand as a mile mark in Jagapathi Babu’s career. It will sure create a sensation during this season of general elections, says the director Samudra.

Seasoned artists like Ahuthi Prasad, Anandraj, Paruchuri Goplalakrishna, Chalapathi Rao, Annapurana, Krishna Bhagavan, and young artists like Pruthvi, Prasanna, Venu, Uttej are in the supporting cast.